values Framework

Collective Sense is supported by a values framework that is made up of three core beliefs, five core values, and five corresponding practice principles which are an expression of the values in action. Together, these beliefs, values, and principles form a coherent ethical framework that sits at the heart of all the work we engage in and deliver. This framework is designed to be flexible and accessible and to help individuals and groups respond to it within their own unique cultural contexts.


Everyone has value and deserves respect.

Everyone has something of value to contribute.

Everyone is creative.








Respect - In all our interactions we respect everyone regardless of their background, lived experience, race, nationality, heritage, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, physical and mental health or neurodiversity. We respect the fundamental dignity of everyone as a human right.

Participation - We encourage participation from everyone according to their abilities, capacity, and interests. All forms of participation are valued and encouraged. We are convinced that great things happen when people work together. We celebrate the idea that co-created outputs and processes are greater than the sum of their parts.

Inclusion - We do not discriminate against any individual or group. As far as possible, we are intersectionally aware and consider our own privileges and differences as well as those of others. When we make mistakes or unconscious exclusions we will aim to address them. We recognize that different individuals and groups have different levels of power and access to cultural capital.

Care - We believe in empathy, warmth, and care in our interactions with individuals and groups. As far as possible we will engage in non-defended dialogue and non-violent communication. We believe in supportive and nurturing professional interactions. When we get things wrong, we will seek to understand and mend.

Exploration - We believe that everyone is creative and that creativity takes many forms and is unique to each individual and community. We encourage creative exploration and value it. We cherish all forms of self-expression and do not judge people's artistic and creative expressions.